More about Rabha

The Rabhas belong to the Indo Mongoloid group of people and have similarities with other members of Koch group such as Garos, Kachari, Mech, Hajong and others. Most of the Rabhas of Dooars refer to themselves as Rabha, but some of them often declare themselves as Kocha.

Rabhas are among the nine plan tribe and fourteen hill tribes of Assam. The Rabhas belong to the Indo-Mongoloid group of people and have similarities with other members of Bodo group such as Garos, Kachari, Mech, Hajong and others.

The Rabha community have a rich, multi-faceted and distinct culture of their own. The agricultural practices, food habit and belief systems of the Rabhas reflect a conglomeration of features from both the Aryan and Mongoloid culture. The Rabha society is matrilineal. The village economy is based on agriculture and both men and women work in the fields. The women love to wear colorful clothes that they weave themselves and they wear a lot of beads and silver ornaments. The Rabhas are nonvegetarians and rice is their staple food.

The traditional economy of the Rabhas in general, is based on agriculture, forest based activities and weaving. In the past, the Rabhas used to practice shifting cultivation. They continued to cultivate the land with Gogo or bill-hook. Later they took up the job of settled cultivation and started cultivation with plough. Besides cultivation, hunting was also an old practice of Rabha people. Weaving was a traditional occupation of the Rabha women.

The mother tongue of Rabha people is Rabha. We are more centred on Rabha people. The Rabha Language is in endangered, but thank God the restoration started in 1959 AD.

They have 11 dialects: 1) Maithori, 2) Rongdani,3) Pati, 4) Dahori, 5) Dotla, 6) Halua, 7) Betolia, 8) Hanna, 9) Sunga, 10) Modahi, 11) Kocha Rabhas. These all are Rabhas but some of them have loss their mother tongues. Some of them have totally died out. But the Rongdani, Maithori and Kochas dialects are still used by Koch-Rabhas.

The Australian Baptist Missionary Soceity (ABMS) and The Baptist Church of Mizoram (BCM) by taking a banner called The Rabha Baptist Convention previously it was known as The Rabha Baptist Church union, initiated to save the Rabha Language.

You can know more detail about the Rabha culture and custom and Language from this site. Do enjoy the beautiful pictures and videos of Rabha tribes. Find out more about various developmental works taking place among the Rabha tribal group. This website also offers other links to useful resources that would help you know more about Rabha and people living there. Our site is available in the Rabha and English languages so that it would be easier for you to browse our site and find your favourite contents. We regularly upload and update videos, music, pictures and scripture materials on our site. Feel free to download and enjoy them from our site. We appreciate your valuable comments and feedback. We thank God our heavenly father who enabled us to set up this website. Especially our gratitudes goes to Christian friends those who help us lot. May God Bless you. Continue...

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